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Ellsworth County Economic Development dba Grow Ellsworth County serves as the lead agency to drive economic health and prosperity to Ellsworth County.  We do this through creating and implementing a plan to increase population, business growth, jobs, and opportunity to Ellsworth County.  We source information and develop tools for incentives, referrals, and information on matters relating to community and economic development.    We believe in the progressive spirit of Ellsworth County as the community of choice, and welcome new residents, businesses, and partners to join our community.


We believe that equally important to economic health is supporting our existing businesses, and through this effort we continue to provide professional development, resources, and troubleshooting support to our business community. 


We have a high standard for performance and confidentiality, and a code of ethics that guides our deployment to the community.




"It was great to hear from Sec. Toland that Ellsworth County is being recognized at the State level for our proactive economic development results!"- Anita Hoffhines


"Our community is lucky to have such a determined, passionate, and involved Economic Development platform. They facilitate many opportunities for both individuals and businesses countywide." - Kelvi Place


"Thank you to Stacie Schmidt at Ellsworth County Economic Development, Anita Hoffhines at Millwood Realty, Kristin Haase at First Bank Kansas and Heather West at Security 1st Title, without you ladies our families dreams would have never came true! You put our puzzle pieces together, worked hard in so many ways to make this happen! We greatly appreciate all 4 of these local ladies and business’s to give us the options to move forward with purchasing our restaurant and making this happen!"- Jenn Tilton




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